Sunday was one of those mornings that those of us with multiple dogs asks WHY? Why do we have these dogs. Saturday night one of our GSDs had us up and down all night with stomach issues; you can use your imagination.
When I woke at 7 am I put a dog out and said oh Sheet we did not get the boy out as many times as needed. Wanna see a man get to work on time - Mark was outta the house with 2 dogs in 5 minutes flat.....and I began cleaning carpets, floors everything. I was on a roll. Even decided to clean the oven which is really a button on the stove but figured what the hell.
It was then time for me to shower. While in the shower I heard Vinchenzo, our forever foster, barking. He is not a barker, only to go to work or get Oscar moving, none of which was happening. I ignored him for 5 more minutes; he was relentless. I was in the shower saying to myself, "I cannot get one second of peace" all the while Vinchenzo was running around like chicken little. I opened the door to a wall of smoke.
YES I had left a butcher block with our knives in it on the stove and it was ablaze big flames - a real fire. Here I am in a towel, wet and making my way to the kitchen, which was glowing with a red hue.
I really did not want to call the fire department and was able to get the block in the sink and get the fire out. My eyes were burning the house was filled with toxic smoke; that wood must have been treated.
So Vinchenzo saved the day and a lot more. Sadly, my dog Oscar and foster Baxter never moved off their pillows. Only when I opened the windows did the smoke detectors go off upstairs; the ones downstairs must be dead.
Lessons Learned - Always have multiple BTS. Never clean the oven and most important CHANGE THE BATTERIES in your smoke detectors.
And Vin got a new bed today at Home Goods!
Little Falls, NJ
PS - our house still stinks today