
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

BT Meetup This Saturday

Erica Eschelman and her permanent foster, Roxy, invite BT owners to a monthly meetup in Central PA.

"Hi all.  We have a Boston Terrier meet-up group in Central Pa area that is run through a facebook page.  We meet one Saturday a month April through October so our non-human children can get together and play.  I never know how many will show up. We rotate between parks in the area.  I wanted to invite anyone in the area to our first meet-up this Saturday in Lancaster, Pa. at Buchanan Dog park at 10:00 am (usually goes till 12:00).  We have people that come as far as from Maryland and we converse through the page all year long. Adopted, breeder, young, old we love them all and have a blast playing and catching up.  Our next meet-up will most likely be in York, PA.
I don't make it to all the meetings but will be there for at least part of the morning this Saturday.  Roxy's desire to play nice will determine how long we get to stay. "

Roxy, pictured below, is a favorite, she's the cutest little Boston (9 lbs of love) who, despite some serious health issues, is always ready to make friends with everyone and graciously accepts the love and adoration of her many supporters and fans.

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