
Saturday, January 11, 2014


It's been just over a month now, and between de-toxing and new 
surroundings, Hamilton is coming around. He's turning out to be just a 
big puppy that has no idea just how big and intimidating he can be. 
When he first arrived he was charging the gates and ready to rip into my 
dogs. I had to keep him separated for everything. Now look at him! He's 
not 100% yet, but he has come a LONG way from when he first arrived. :)

Here are some of the recent photos of Hamilton's progress.
Chris & Hamilton

What a fantastic job you and your husband are doing for him, Chris!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We would love to give a Hamilton a forever home. We have plenty of room for this big boy. Please review our adoption application. Thanks. Laura Stanley