
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Happy First Gotcha Day Jax!

I sat down one day to write a letter to my former foster, now fully owned Boston Terrier - and possibly Frenchie - Jaxx, a letter. Then I got an anniversary card in the mail and realized I wrote it to share with everyone. So here it is.

A letter to Jaxx;

 You are a funny little dog, you know. You are my first male Boston so you are a bit special to me. You haven't always been so nice, but I have always been consistent, and loving, and patient. 

And I'm winning this "love" game. Actually, we both are...

Deep down, I knew you missed your first life, but life changed and you needed to move on. Your next stop didn't work out for you possibly because you were sad, so I took you in temporarily. And you were sad, and mean, and didn't necessarily like your foster all. I knew you didn't really like us much at first either. But I know that love wins out in the end so I stayed loyal and consistent.

I knew you didn't give kisses even though I asked, I knew you didn't really like chewing bones, but I gave them to you. Sometimes I just left you alone to watch your sisters and you started to learn to be a happy dog again.

I also knew, no matter how sad or grouchy you wanted to be, the sun would cure it all for you. So we taught you the doggy door, put an extra bed on the porch and you stayed in the sun all day when you could. And I saw you start to relax. Remember when you would only go as far as the big plant to pee when you had a whole yard to roam? Sometimes you made me sad, just thinking how sad or scared you were.

And then there was the time when you scared the vet techs and they put something in your chart and everyone was afraid of you at the doctors. Until we met the doctor in Florida who looked at you, scowled and said, " quiet Jaxx, your getting your nails cut" and he just cut them. 

At first you had your special chair or place to sit and you would just stay there when we left the house. But it was when we left you alone with your sisters that things started to happen. Like that time we found you all together in the beds, sleeping? Or the time you ran down the stairs for the first time because you were happy I was home and you'd run to me, then walk away. I was so happy for that little recognition.

I don't remember how or why it happened, but one day daddy took you to work in his truck, and there it was, you found your happy. And you go to work everyday and daddy loves it as much as you. You loved following daddy all around, meeting the guys at work and going into the truck when you wanted to sleep ( secretly, the guys all told me about the amount of gas daddy uses to warm or cool the truck just so you can be happy and comfortable). You must have known how much you were loved , or maybe it was because you had one person all to yourself during the day. I don't know, but I could almost see your smile through your eyes a few months ago.

Sometimes  I watch you, sweet boy, and I watch how you smell around the whole yard, go in and out the doggy door, lay under the shade or in the sun on the porch. And it doesn't look like you want to be anywhere else- I was so worried for so long that we didn't do right by you. But we did, because love always wins in the end.

Well, we have been through everything once, Jax, a whole year. fall, winter, spring and summer. We have been through a Christmas and Thanksgiving, New Year’s, a birthday ( that mom  forgot!), 4th of July, many trips to Florida and soon a trip to Maine. We have nothing but more of these good times to go through together and I can't wait. And your sisters even like you too!

So, I'll end this by telling you a secret, Jax, and you probably have no idea, so here goes. The best thing that has happened to me this year started about a month ago, it is that little kiss you give me when I come home or walk in the door and you jump up to tell me to bend down to give me a little butterfly kiss on my lips. And for that Jax, I am deeply humbled and very happy. You love me too. 

Someone said to me the other day, they know when they have been rescued, they just do....

Yours forever;

Enjoy this  little video of my guy... Happy Gotcha Day!

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