
Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Foster Guiness

UPDATE: Congratulations to Guiness, who has found his furever home with his foster family!

I have had my new foster Guiness since Sunday and so far He has been absolutely wonderful!

Nothing like I was told. He hasn't had one single problem since he got here. He has adjusted so well here and fits in so good with my 3 girls. Boy do they love him. Especially Lilly my almost 4 year old Boston. Seems like Guinness is going for the younger ..he loves my puppy Bella she is 8 months. Over all he has been so good. Everyone here is falling so in love with him., it's hard to believe he had such a bad rap of anxiety issues but all I think he needed was some love and attention and long walks and he is a joy to have around. He does seem to like to be where you are at all times and loves sleeping in bed with you. He went for his well visit and he is a BIG 41 pounds of solid muscle mass.

Christine Schezzini

Great large Boston. We are waiting for some blood tests on him but as far as everything else he has a clean bill of health and is now caught up with all his shots

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