
Friday, December 13, 2013

Does Your Dog Need a Coat?

Winter Sweaters & Coats - Does Your Dog Need Them?
From : Dr. Jon, Dog Crazy Newsletter


If you've ever seen your dog shivering from the chill of a winter day you know that a little extra protection from the cold certainly couldn't hurt. When we get cold, we don't hesitate to put on a sweater or jacket. Why should it be any different for our dogs?

Some dogs need more protection than others. Your dog's ability to withstand cold temperatures could depend on his age, his breed, his size and even his heritage.

Many dogs are extremely uncomfortable when exposed to cold winter temperatures. That's especially true for small dogs, thin dogs and dogs whose fur is not as thick, long and heavy. Older dogs, sick dogs and dogs with arthritis or joint pain also have more trouble dealing with cold weather. 

Adapting to climate change is not always easy for a dog. If you've moved from a warm climate to a colder climate, the temperature change can be very difficult for your dog.

If your dog is reluctant to go outside on a cold or snowy day, chances are a warm sweater or jacket may be just the thing. Winter boots can also help safeguard your dog's paws from harsh snow, salt and ice.

Dogs will curl up in an attempt to conserve body heat, but that only goes so far – especially for small and thin dogs. Many dogs benefit from wearing a sweating during winter months, even when they are indoors.

Until next time, Dr. Jon

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