
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Milo and Lea (AKA Lee lee)

My Boston Fiona went to my parents for a sleep over since she was getting very jealous for attention. Lee lee has been very anxious and just wants to cuddle. They are doing good with only one accident in the house. Lee lee has two names I realized the owner mentioned it but I forgot about it. Lea is her full name and Lee lee is her nick name. 

Milo is doing great,besides sit he gives paw, lays down and gives his belly all the time. He already leaned leave its and drop its! 

Lee lee finally tinkled for me today around 4. I was so relieved!!! She is a bit cold but I will keep watching her! She seems to want more quiet time for now.

Check out how relaxed they are!!!

They are so cute...and look like they both can get themselves in some trouble - mischievous look on their little faces LOL

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