
Friday, March 13, 2015

Update on Myrtle's Surgery Yesterday

Myrtle had balloon plasty (like angioplasty) to open up a valve in her heart that didn't form right. Her right ventricle is enlarged 3 times it's normal size because it has to work so much harder to push the blood through and she also has blood leakage in her heart. I know she is in good hands with Dr. Goodwin, her cardiologist.

He called and said Myrtle is out of surgery and doing well.  He can already see an improvement in her condition and will do an EKG (ultrasound) tomorrow and he will be able to get a better idea of actual numbers and pressures, but he very optimistic that we will see a big change and now she has a good shot at a long life. Will update more after we pick her up tomorrow and bring her home....

Carrie Paul

What wonderful news Carrie!  We are all keeping Myrtle in our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery!

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