
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Update on Rocky V

For all who don't know Rocky's story - he was turned into a shelter with a severe eye injury after running into a fence. The choices were either remove the eye or have a skin graft done to his cornea.
We went for the graft and it was successful.

Months later, he lost his healthy eye to an aggressive infection. So we are so thankful we went with the graft and saved his eye, otherwise he would have no eyes now.
Corneal ruptures don't always have to result in enucleation. Some eyes can be saved! Gabriel the puppy is another example of a corneal rupture that healed.

Diane - thank you for being Rocky V's rescue angel

Jerrilyn Walter

Thanks to everyone who have sent their get well wishes to our Rocky. Just to expand on Jerrilyn's account, it was she who traveled to Boston to pick him up from the shelter where he was left and who arranged to have the surgery which saved his only eye. She even picked him up from LI to bring him to his subsequent doctor appts where he received his surgery.

 He came to us as skin and bones at 19 lbs with all ribs showing (he's now 30 lbs - admittedly a little overweight from the Cushings) and almost no hair. He cowered in his bed, in pain and not even wanting to eat for the first few days until Victoria suggested 'Nutri-Cal' which got his appetite going.

In his last visit this week to the Opto, we learned that the latest corneal ulcer is healing and he is on 3 meds twice per day in addition to his Cushings meds. This is such a surprise since the doctor had told me that the ulcer was probably non-healing and would require a grid to close it . We are keeping our fingers crossed that he continues to improve and that we can keep the Cushings under control.


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