
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Foster Koko

Joy picked up wee little Koko (13lbs) today from the Bucks County Shelter where she was fully vetteod, including spay, enucleation and dental. She does have a bunch of eye drops for ulcers in her one good eye. Joy says she is "just precious". She stopped and bought her 5 new toys of her very own. I hope you got her another duckie. She seems to love this one in her pic.

Joy - thank you so, so much.

-- Sheryl Trent

Joy says, "What a SWEETIE!! She has played NON STOP since we got home. We played tug for 30 minutes. Obviously, she missed the memo that she'll be 12 on 10/1!! Her little tail never stops moving-even smelling the others through the gates. Once again, Beadoe smelled of her and walked off. Go figure.
I'm keeping her in the suite until she figures out this one-eyed thing.
I suspect she's going to be just fine with my crew.
Here's a picture I took when she FINALLY stopped moving!! It's blurry, but you get the idea."

-- Joy Riley

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