
Thursday, April 18, 2013

More on Penny Lane

Former mill girl Penny Lane  and she was always curious- albeit afraid so I have been so lucky. I got her to stay in my bedroom by filling n empty bone with Cheese Whiz.and placing it in the open crate and in the cuddle bed in my bedroom. She is now with me all of the time in my bedroom when I am home. She had bad teeth and didn't like peanut butter. I only feed her the best dog food but I feel that for socialization the bad nutrients might be worth it considering she spent 8 years in a cage..My dogs have taught her a lot and she  seems to like 7-8 weeks she has gone from sleeping in an open crate in an office with wee pads and showers curtains to sleeping in her cuddle bed- to sleeping in my bed. She does, however, have to stay in her office condo when I  am at work . I keep the radio on and have a bone with a drop of cheese whiz in her open crate. Penny now snuggles beside me- looks for pets and seems to want attention- far cry from the shivering puppy mill girl I received.

-- Sharon Sweeney

Thank you so much, Sharon, for all that you are doing for this beautiful girl, and for allowing her to blossom with you!

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