
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Babyman Neo Goes to the Rainbow Bridfe

I fostered Neo 4 years ago when he was 10 and right after I got him I adopted him (you just couldn't help it he was such a sweetie).  Well, after I got him we realized he was losing his hearing (which he totally lost) and then went on to have cataracts, glaucoma which caused him to be blind in one eye and almost blind in the other.  He started about 1-1 1/2 years ago with demetia and then about 6 months ago renal failure.  Today he had a seizure and I brought him back to the vet for the last time.  My Babyman (his nickname) is in heaven with my other boston I adopted, Loretta, and is running free hearing and seeing everything!

We are heartbroken but will go on.  My 3 year old Stella who I fostered 2 years ago and then adopted, (lol yes I don't foster well) is looking for her buddy.

-- Natalie Elefante

I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet babyman. What a wonderful life you gave him and for him to know your love.

Find healing & comfort in your memories. Run free Neo!!  Go play with the angels!

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