
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wade is Feeling Better and Says Thanks for His New Manwear

Well, Wade is back and feeling better than ever! I think having those teeth out has him already feeling waaaay better than he probably has in years. 

Which is great!

Unless your happen to be my house. He broke out of his crate somehow today (it was still closed), and took a tour of destruction starting in my living room. He pretended he was a mountain goat, leapt up on every oiece of furniture, cascading files and projects everywhere. After that got boring, he knocked over the gate and went up the front steps, somehow managing to open a door, and raided my lingerie and took a nap (going from the evidence). Feeling revived, He then decided to go down the back stair case (for the maid. Obviously), knocked down that gate, and celebrated his completed tour by knocking over first the garbage to fill his belly with coffee grounds, and then the recycling bin to wash them down with some craft beer remnants from Free Will Brewery. I know what youre thinking. That guy has excellent taste. You are correct! 

This took up most of the day, I assume. He then wauted by the door for my husband to arrive to witness his display of creativity and sense of adventure.

Yes, my poor husband dutifully cleaned it all up. I heard this story on my way home.

Wade is a wonderful dog. Just about perfect, really. But he does NOT like to be alone. We already use a pheremone spray,  give him treats and toys in his crate, and he is borrowing a Thundershirt to help with his lonely anxieties.  Wade does have a long Frankenatein like line of sutures down his neck, and was neutered just 2 days ago. So we REALLY need him to be calm. And stationary. And stay out of my unmentionables.

Good news! Wade got some of his own underthings today! Doesn't he look distinguished in his fanciest of fancy underpants? I think so. He is such a good boy :) some nice supporter bought him a 4 pack of these very stylish manderwears to curb his indoor sprinkles! We LOVE them! And he does not feel silly at all now :) he is a proud old man, you know!

For an old dude, he got a lot done today.

That was very funny from where I'm sitting, Erin.  I hope your husband has a sense of humor😂. I'm so glad Wade is feeling better and sounds like he feels quite at home.

Boy, he sure is a cutie, adventurous, but cute. That was very funny to read! 

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