
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hamilton Goes to the Vet

Hamilton went to the vet yesterday. He had a small scratch on his left
eye. So the poor guy has a doughnut on his neck to keep him from
scratching it.
I have to brag about this boy...he's a 35 pounder, and I have NEVER had
a better behaved dog examination room EVER. At one point the Vet let
out a loud whistle thinking Hamilton must have zoned out, but he was
fine, just waiting patiently for us to stop all that talk and take him

Today he has a doughnut on his neck so he won't scratch his eye, and let
it heal up. So I was feeling sorry for him and gave him a new squeekie
toy. Boy does he LOVE that thing. He pranced around holding it high in
the air as if to say "look what I have!" and then after playing with it
fell asleep with it still in his mouth. Such a cutie! :)

Chris & Hamilton

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