
Friday, August 1, 2014

Goodbye to Cricket (member dog)

My heart is heavy today. At 715PM July 29TH Cricket crossed the Rain Bow Bridge. It wasn't her heart that failed, as I thought would be the cause of her death.  

I had noticed about a week ago,that her urine seemed like it would glow in the dark. I just thought it was from the 3 medications she was on. Then I noticed that her stool was very light in color almost like the color of mustard, I thought it was the food. Yesterday, before taking her to the Vet I let her outside to do her business. When I let her back in as she looked up at me, I seen the whites of her eyes were yellow - very yellow, I looked at her gums, they too were yellow. I looked at her belly, her skin was yellow. When we got to the Vets office. I told them that I think this visit isn't going to be for her heart, or the fact that she was constipated. 

My dear Joyce, I am so very sorry about the passing of your Cricket. Those of us who have loved our fur kids and lost them, know your terrible pain. Try to think of all the wonderful times you and your husband enjoyed with Cricket, and how happy and comfortable she was as a member of your family. I'm sure she knew you did everything within your power to give her a really great life.
Time will help you to deal with your grief but Cricket will always live in your heart. Perhaps, Cricket will send you another fur baby to love ~ that's been my experience.

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